File Toolbar

The File toolbar contains buttons for common file operations such as New, Save and Open. These commands can also be found in the File top menu.

File Toolbar

Icon Tool Name Description

New (Harmony Stand Alone)

Creates a new scene while closing any scene already open. The New Scene dialog box opens, asking for directory, name, and resolution information.


Displays the Open Scene dialog box where you can browse for a scene file. You can open a new scene from the current one and the previous scene will close.


Saves all changes made to the opened scene, drawings, palettes, and palette lists.

Save As

Saves the current file with a different name and at a different location.

Saves the current state of a scene as another scene. The Save As window prompts you for a new name and a different location for this scene before saving it. This will create a complete scene directory for the new scene.

NOTE The scene name cannot exceed 23 characters.
Import Images

Imports bitmap images which you can choose to vectorize—see About Importing Bitmap Images.