Converting a Colour Palette to a Pencil Texture Palette

As of Harmony 15, each palette is set to either be a colour palette, or a texture palette, and both palette types are kept in separate lists. However, in Harmony 14 and prior versions, pencil texture palettes were just regular palettes, which you had to temporarily set at your pencil texture palette in order to use it for pencil line textures.

Because of this, if you open a scene created in Harmony 14 or prior, and which contains pencil texture palettes, Harmony 15 will not be able to tell which palettes are colour palettes and which ones are pencil texture palettes. Hence, you must manually move your pencil texture palettes to the pencil texture palette list before you can use them for pencil line textures.

The only exception to this is if a scene created in a prior version of Harmony has a pencil texture palette named penstyle_opacity. Because this was the default name for pencil texture palettes in older versions of Harmony, Harmony 15 will automatically convert those palettes to pencil texture palettes.

NOTE Converting a colour palette to a pencil texture palette is permanent. You cannot convert a pencil texture palette to a colour palette. However, you will be prompted to confirm before making the conversion, and the conversion can be undone with the Undo command.

If you are using Harmony Server, make sure you have the rights to modify the selected palette by doing one of the following:

  • In the Colour view, make sure the Edit Palette Mode toggle button is pressed in.
  • In the palette list of the Colour view, right-click on the selected palette and select either Get Rights to Modify Palette or Get Rights to Modify All Palettes.
  • From the Colour view menu , select Palettes > Get Rights to Modify Palette or Get Rights to Modify All Palettes.