Uninstalling the WebCC Server on GNU/Linux
If you installed the WebCC server as a daemon, you can uninstall it using the chkconfig command line tool. If you installed it using Service Launcher, you can uninstall it in Service Launcher.
How to disable the WebCCserver daemon
In a terminal, type in the following commands to stop, then disable the daemon:
$ sudo service toonboom_webcc stop
$ sudo chkconfig toonboom_webcc off
The WebCC server daemon will stop and will no longer launch on boot.
How to uninstall the WebCC server in Service Launcher
- Make sure you are currently signed in as the user running the service.
In the system tray, click on the Service Launcher icon.
The Service Launcher application opens.
- Select the WebCC tab.
- Click on Stop.
- Uncheck the Launch when Service Launcher starts option.
In the top menu, select Server > Save All Settings.