Service Launcher Link Tab

The Link tab allows you to configure the Toon Boom Harmony Link Server to launch when logging-in. The link server allows Windows clients to create symbolic links on macOS or GNU/Linux servers, which is part of the scene creation routine on a Harmony database.

NOTE This tab is only available on macOS and GNU/Linux.

Parameter Description
Launch button

Click on this button to start the service. The status will change from Closed to Running.

Stop button This button is enabled when the service is running. Click on this button to stop the service.
Launch when Service Launcher starts Check this option to automatically launch the Link server service when the Service Launcher is launched. This bypasses the need to click on the Launch button.


Output detailed information about the tasks performed by the link server to the log, to help debug any issue with the server.

Other Parameters

Command line parameters to pass to the service when launching it. The Help tab below contains a list of parameters supported by the service. Once you have made changes to the list of parameters, you can click on Update Parameters to relaunch the service with the new parametes.

Update Parameters

Click on this after making changes to the Other Parameters field to stop and relaunch the service with the new parameters.

Help tab This tab lists all the available options for the link server. You can type these parameters in the Other Parameters field to customize the behaviour of the service.
Log tab

This tab records the activity of the service while it runs. It only lists up to the maximum number of lines specified in the Preferences tab.

  • Clear Window button: clears the existing log data from the window.
  • View Complete Log button: launches the Dialog window which displays a complete version of the logo information.