Installing Harmony on macOS
To install Harmony on macOS, you must open the Apple Disk Image (.dmg) file, then copy its content to the Applications folder on your machine. You will need administrator privileges to be able to add applications to the Applications folder.

In a file browser, double-click on the application package you have downloaded.
Then the License Agreement prompt appears.
- If you accept the license agreement presented by the application package, click on the Agree button. Otherwise, click on Disagree.
TIP If you want to see the license agreement in another language, select a language in the language drop-down above the license agreement.
- Wait for macOS to verify the content of the package.
- In the Finder window that opens, select
Toon Boom Harmony 17 [Edition].
Drag and drop the selected folder over Applications.
NOTE If you are not logged-in as an administrator user, you will be prompted by macOS to enter the log-in and password of a user with administrator privileges to authorize making changes to the Applications folder.
Wait for the package to finish copying.
Once the package is done copying, Harmony is installed.