Eraser Tool Properties

When you select the Eraser tool, its properties and options appear in the Tool Properties view.

The Eraser tool properties are almost identical to the Brush tool properties.

NOTETo learn how to use the Eraser tool, see About the Eraser Tool.

Eraser Tool Properties

Icon Tool Name Description
  Stroke Preview Area

The Preview area lets you see a preview of the stroke your drawing tool will make.

Preview Stroke

  Eraser Properties Dialog

The arrow button right of the display area opens the Eraser Properties dialog, which gives you access to all the parameters and options for your eraser. The Tool Properties view only gives you access to a few of the eraser properties, a list of eraser presets and options for the Eraser tool that are not related to the eraser properties. For more information on the Eraser Properties dialog, see the Eraser Tool Properties section below.

Edit Brush To Add Texture

  Maximum Size

Defines the maximum size of the eraser.

If the tool is used with a pressure sensitive pen tablet, the width of the stroke will vary between its maximum size and minimum size depending on the amount of pressure used. If used with a mouse, the width of the stroke will always be its maximum size.


Defines the number of control points added to the centre line. The fewer the control points the smoother (but less faithful) the line.


Lets you set the opacity for each instance of the eraser tip that gets erased from your artwork. Contrary to the Opacity parameter, the flow parameter has a cumulative effect. This means that a lower flow will make your eraser strokes less effective towards its extremities and more effective in its center. Your stroke's flow will also accumulate if you draw over it. By default, your eraser's flow varies with the amount of pressure you put on your tablet pen.

NOTEThis option is only displayed in the Tool Properties view when drawing on a bitmap layer.

The Opacity parameter are where Lets you set the opacity of your brush strokes. Contrary to the Flow parameter, the Opacity parameter is non-cumulative. Your whole brush stroke's opacity will not exceed the Opacity parameter. By default, the Opacity parameter varies depending on the amount of pressure you put on your tablet pen.

NOTEThis option is only displayed in the Tool Properties view when drawing on a bitmap layer.
New Pen Template New Eraser

Creates a new preset based on the current eraser properties.

New Pen Template Delete Eraser

Deletes the currently selected preset.

  Rename Eraser

Deletes the currently selected preset.

  Import Erasers

Allows you to import brush presets exported from Harmony.

  Export Erasers

Allows you to export your brush presets into an .xml file.

  Small Thumbnail, Large Thumbnail, and Stroke View

Allows you to display the presets as small square thumbnails, large square thumbnails or a list of stroke preview.

Apply to Line and Colour Art

Allows you to perform drawing operations on both the Line Art and Colour Art layers of your drawing simultaneously.

NOTEIf you have Overlay and Underlay Art layers enabled, they will also be affected when this option is enabled.

  Tip Style

If you erase the end of a pencil line or erase a pencil line through the centre, new line tips or line ends are created. Use the Tip Style option to customize the shape of the new line tips that are created.

Tip Style

Apply to Synced Drawing Layers

When working on a synced layer, the tool is applied to the current layer and all the layers that are synced to it. This option only works in the Camera view.

Eraser Properties Dialog

Erasers have an extensive set of options and properties that are not displayed in the Tool Properties view, but rather, in a dialog you can access from it. To open the Eraser Properties dialog, click on the arrow button right of the stroke display area.

Edit Brush To Add Texture

The Eraser Properties dialog has five different tabs, minus the Smoothing tab if you are working on a bitmap layers. Below is detailed information about the options available in each tab:

Tip Tab

The Tip tab allows you to configure the shape, size, hardness and spacing of your eraser tip.

Tool Name Description
Eraser Type

Allows you to select between one of the following eraser types:

  • Solid Vector: Simply cuts out the eraser stroke's shape from the vector artwork. A solid vector eraser always completely erase the artworks leaving hard seams.
  • Textured Eraser: Allows to configure the eraser with the same options as with a textured brush. A textured eraser will decrease the opacity of bitmap textures in textured brush strokes if it doesn't completely erase it. If it completely erases a brush stroke, it will cut out the erased part from the vector artwork.
  • Textured, Preserve Vector: Like a Textured Eraser, except that it will not cut out from the vector shapes, even if it fully erases pixels in a textured brush stroke's texture.
NOTETextured erasers only work as expected on textured brush strokes. Using a Textured eraser on a solid vector brush stroke or on a pencil line will only cut the eraser stroke's shape out of it. If you use a Textured, Preserve Vector type eraser on a solid vector shape or on a pencil line, the eraser will not erase anything.
NOTEThis option is not available when working on a bitmap layer. With bitmap layers, erasers are always textured, and textured eraser options are always available.
Eraser Tip Library

This is where you select the shape of the eraser tip. By default, it is round. Note that some tips are designed to have semitransparent areas, even when the maximum eraser opacity is set to 100%.

To create a custom eraser tip, you must prepare the file ahead of time, either in Harmony or in a third-party software, such as Adobe Photoshop. Colour is not supported and transparency is not supported in the traditional sense. Black appears as 100% opaque, white appears as 100% transparent and all the shades of grey in between appear as varying degrees of semitransparency. A range of file formats are supported—.jpeg, .png, .tif, .psd, .tga to name a few. Alpha channels are disregarded on import. It is recommended that your file be between 100 x 100 pixels and 400 x 400 pixels.

You can also import eraser tips that you exported from Harmony, so you can share them with colleagues.

Minimum and Maximum Size

The minimum and maximum sizes of your drawing tool produce the thick and thin effect on your stroke. This works with the pressure sensitivity of a pen tablet.

  • Maximum Size: Defines the maximum width of the stroke.
  • Minimum Size: Defines the minimum width of the stroke in relation to and as a percentage of the maximum size.
NOTESetting the Minimum Size value to 100% eliminates the possibility of creating width variation on your stroke. In other words, you would be forcing a uniform line width using the Maximum Size value.

Roundness and Angle

The Roundness and Angle parameters allow you to change the shape and orientation of the tip.

  • Roundness: Squashes the height of the tip from its centre point. 100% roundness = the native height of the tip. A smaller percentage will make the brush tip look flatter and more narrow. The squashing is NOT relative to the angle value—if the tip is rotated, the squashing function still uses the brush tip's original orientation.
  • Angle: Rotates the brush tip counter-clockwise. 0° = the tip's native orientation.


The Hardness and Spacing parameters allow you to change the softness and spacing of the marks made by the eraser tip. You can preview the hardness and spacing at the top of the Eraser Properties window, stroke preview area.

The hardness value corresponds to the softness of the eraser tip's edges. The lower the value, the softer the tip edge. The higher the value, the sharper the tip edge. Be aware that some eraser tips are not 100% opaque, so they will always appear somewhat soft, even at 100% hardness.


Defines the amount of space between each stamp of the eraser. A value of 100% sets the stamp marks edge to edge, if there is no white space around the shape. The larger the value, the greater the space between marks. A really large value can make the eraser stroke appear as a string of individual marks. Conversely, a small spacing value will give the appearance of a fluid brush stroke.

Spacing is only evident when making a continuous stroke.


The Randomness parameters let you create a varied bitmap eraser stroke. Refining these options can give your stroke a lovely, non-mechanical look.

Random Size

You can create variation between the thick and thin of your eraser stroke just by setting the Maximum and Minimum Size values. If you add randomness to the mix, pressure sensitivity from your drawing tablet will still be applied. Light pressure will create random values around the minimum, while heavy pressure will create random values closer to the maximum. The larger the percentage, the larger the range of random variation.

NOTESetting the Minimum Size to 100% eliminates the possibility of creating width variation on your stroke, whether you are applying randomness or not. Therefore, you would be forcing a uniform line width using the Maximum Size value.
Random Angle

Sets the range for random rotation around the set Angle value. For example, if the Angle is set to 45° and the Random Angle set to 10°, the software will choose values between 40°–50° (plus or minus 5 degrees, equaling a total of 10 degrees).

Random Spacing

Sets the range for random spacing around the set Spacing value. For example, if the Spacing is set to 50% and the Random Spacing is set to 10%, then Harmony will choose values between 45%–55% (plus or minus 5 percent, equaling a total of 10 percent).

Smoothing Tab

The Smoothing tab contains options to configure how Harmony should automatically smooth your eraser strokes as you paint.

NOTEThe Smoothing tab is only available when working on a vector layer, as bitmap layers do not support smoothing.
Tool Name Description
Centerline Smoothing Defines the amount of smoothing Harmony should perform on your eraser stroke's direction, curves and corners. A higher setting will prevent your line from being shaky, but is liable to reduce drawing precision and turn sharp angles into curves.
Contour Smoothing
  • Defines the amount of smoothing Harmony should perform on outer contour of the eraser stroke. A higher setting will round sharp corners and reduce the amount of control points for the resulting vector shape.
  • Transparency Tab

    The Transparency tab allows you to decide if your eraser has antialiasing as well as to set its flow and opacity settings.

    NOTEThe Transparency tab's options are only available on vector layers if the Eraser Type option of the Tip tab is set to Textured Vector or Textured, Preserve Vector.. On bitmap layers, those options are always available.
    Tool Name Description

    Enabled by default. This option causes the contours of the eraser strokes to blend with the surrounding colours, to create an illusion of smoothness otherwise not possible due to the picture resolution.

    If antialiasing is disabled, the eraser will either fully erase pixels or leave them intact.

    NOTEWhen disabled, all other options in the Transparency tab are disabled.
    Maximum and Minimum Flow

    The Maximum and Minimum Flow parameters let you set the range for the rate at which your eraser's effect flows. The greater the flow, the more consistent the effect is. If the flow is light, then the effect may look spotty. This feature works with the pressure sensitivity of a pen tablet.

    • Maximum Flow: Sets the maximum rate at which colour and texture are applied as you create a fluid stroke.
    • Minimum Flow: Sets the minimum rate at which colour and texture are applied as you create a fluid stroke. It is defined as a percentage of the Maximum Flow value. If the Minimum Flow value is set to 100%, then tablet pressure sensitivity will no longer be applicable. The flow will be set to the constant rate of the Maximum Flow value.

    Maximum Opacity and Minimum Opacity

    The Maximum and Minimum Opacity parameters are where you set the opacity range for a eraser mark. This works with the pressure sensitivity of a pen tablet.

    • Maximum Opacity: Sets the transparency limit of the eraser mark when the pressure is heavy.
    • Minimum Opacity: Sets the transparency limit of the eraser mark when the pressure is very light. It is defined as a percentage of the Maximum Opacity value. If the Minimum Opacity value is set to 100%, then tablet pressure sensitivity will no longer be applicable. The opacity will be set to the constant rate of the Maximum Opacity value.


    Th Randomness parameter lets you set the range for the randomness of the flow and opacity. This works with the pressure sensitivity of a pen tablet.

    Randomness Flow

    You can create variation in the flow of your eraser stroke just by setting the Maximum and Minimum Flow values. If you add randomness to the mix, pressure sensitivity from your drawing tablet will still be applied. Light pressure will create random values around the minimum, while heavy pressure will create random values closer to the maximum. The larger the percentage, the larger the range of random variation.

    NOTESetting the Minimum Flow value to 100% eliminates the possibility of creating flow variation on your stroke, whether you are applying randomness or not. That is, you would be forcing a uniform flow using the Maximum Flow value.
    Random Opacity

    You can create variation in the opacity of your eraser stroke just by setting the Maximum and Minimum Opacity values. If you add randomness to the mix, pressure sensitivity from your drawing tablet will still be applied. Light pressure will create random values around the minimum, while heavy pressure will create random values closer to the maximum. The larger the percentage, the larger the range of random variation.

    NOTESetting the Minimum Opacity value to 100% eliminates the possibility of creating opacity variation on your stroke, whether you are applying randomness or not. That is, you would be forcing a uniform opacity using the Maximum Opacity value.

    Dual Tip Tab

    The Dual Tip tab lets you set the parameters for creating a dual tip eraser. The primary bitmap eraser tip and the dual tip always work together. You can set the parameters for the primary tip in the Tip tab and those for the dual tip in the Dual Tip tab. The Blend mode you select determines how the tips are combined.

    By default, the Blend Mode is set to Multiply and the Random Angle to 360°.

    NOTETo use a Dual Tip, you must enable option by checking the checkbox inside the Dual Tip tab. Additionally, if you are working on a vector layer, the Eraser Type option of the Tip tab must be set to Textured Vector or Textured, Preserve Vector.
    Tool Name Description
    Enable/Disable The checkbox inside the tab allows you to decide whether or not your eraser uses a dual tip. If this checkbox is unchecked, the options in the Dual Tip tab will be disabled.
    Blend Mode The Blend modes let you decide how the primary tip and the dual tip are combined.


    This is the default blend mode. When the two eraser tips are combined in this mode, they essentially cut each other out in overlapping areas, where one or both tips have an area of 100% transparency. The less opaque the eraser tips are, the lighter their combination.

    Colour Dodge

    In this mode, the primary tip cuts out the shape of the dual tip. Where the tip shapes overlap, within the boundaries of the primary shape, the colour and opacity appear darker.


    This mode treats the two tips as two different and separate erasers that have the same colour and follow the same path.

    Paper Texture Tab

    The Paper Texture tab lets you configure a paper-like texture for your eraser. You can also add textures by importing image files, or import paper textures that were previously exported from Harmony.

    NOTETo use a Paper Texture, you must enable option by checking the checkbox inside the Paper Texture tab. Additionally, if you are working on a vector layer, the Eraser Type option of the Tip tab must be set to Textured Vector or Textured, Preserve Vector.
    Tool Name Description
    Enable/Disable The checkbox inside the tab allows you to decide whether or not your eraser uses a paper texture. If this checkbox is unchecked, the options in the Paper Texture tab will be disabled.
    Texture Scale Increase or decreases the size of the paper texture.

    This option layers the texture on top of itself as you scribble overlapping lines in one continuous stroke. If this option is turned off, areas of overlapping lines from a single, continuous stroke will appear the same, in terms of darkness and texture, as non-overlapping areas.


    This option defines the way separate, overlapping strokes behave. If this option is enabled, the paper texture's position does not change with each sweep of the eraser. If this option is disabled, each sweep of the eraser produces a different texture position. The texture orientation always stays the same.