Burn-In Node

The Burn-In effect lets you add scene information which is visible in the Camera view. The information is displayed on top of any content in the scene. You can choose to display the scene name, timecode, frame count, environment and job, as well as add a frame offset if you need blank frames to precede the scene content. Also, to make the information more visible, you can also add a background and choose its colour, and customize the text font and alignment.

When you attach a Burn-In node to a Composite node, the burn-in information is rendered when you export the scene—see About Export.

NOTEWhen you're working with 3D objects with a high Z position value, you may find the objects obscuring the scene information. To work around this, use a peg to ensure the burned in scene information is always visible.

Burn-In Properties

Parameter Description

Allows you to enter a name for the node.

Frame Number Displays the number of the current frame.
Time Code Displays the time code of the current frame.
Scene Name Lets you display different types of information, including the scene name, environment and job. You can display one or all of these pieces of information. To do so, type the following in the Scene Name field:
Scene Name: %s
Environment: %e
Job: %j
You can rearrange the order in which the information is displayed. For example, you may want to see the job before the environment.
Frame Offset Lets you add blank lead-in frames before the scene or somewhere in the scene. Use positive values for frames that precede the scene content and negative values to start your scene information at a certain frame number.
Font Lets you select a font for the information displayed.
Alignment Lets you set the alignment of the text: Left, Center, Right.
Size Lets you set the size of the text.
Add Background Box Adds a box behind the scene information which is useful when the scene contains colours or content that may make it difficult to read the scene information.
Red/Green/Blue/Alpha Lets you enter R, G, B and A values for the colour of the background box.
Colour Swatch

Opens the Colour Picker dialog, in which you can visually select a colour for the effect.