Downloading Scenes from WebCC

WebCC allows you to download (export offline) scenes from a studio's Harmony database and work on them locally from a remote location. When downloading the scene, you have the option to check it out, which locks it from being modified by other users until you make your changes to it. Once you are done working on the scene, you can re-import it back into the database via WebCC, and check it back in at the same time.

Scenes can be exported individually or in bulk. When exporting scenes, a package containing the scenes is created in the User Exchange folder. Users can then download that package using the Exchange Manager panel accessible from the File menu.


The following restrictions apply to exporting scenes from WebCC:

  • Users who do not have administrative privileges must be assigned a scene before they can export or re-import it—see User Types and Restrictions in WebCC and Assigning Scenes to Users in WebCC.
  • Scenes cannot be uploaded or downloaded using a tablet.
  • If you want to export or import environments, jobs and scenes for archiving, you must use the Control Center. WebCC is designed to allow remote project collaborators to work on individual scenes.
TIPIn the Exchange Manager, you can refresh the list of files by clicking on the Refresh List button.
TIPWhen you no longer need the stored packages in the exchange folder, delete them from the User Exchange folder to keep your storage space organized avoid taking up too much disk space.