Clearing Scenes in Control Center
If you must restart a scene from scratch, you can completely erase a scene's exposure sheet. When you clear a scene, you delete all exposure sheet database information and reset the scene as if it were completely new. You are only deleting the files from the database; Control Center does not actually delete any image files (drawings, scan, final frames). If you have questions concerning the contents of a scene, you should contact the technical director responsible for the scene in question.
If you must clear a scene from Control Center, make sure no one else is currently using the scene's data. If you clear a scene that someone else is working on at that moment, you run the risk of corrupting the files and losing work.
If you must clear a scene, you should wait until everyone is offline to ensure that no one can open the data files while you clear them from Control Center.
- Select the environment, job or scene you want to clear.
- Do one of the following:
- From the top menu, select Scene > Clear.
- Right-click anywhere in the Scenes list and select Clear.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
- Click OK.
The Scene list refreshes itself and displays blank elements and drawings lists, showing that the Control Center node has deleted the exposure sheet for the scene you cleared.