Colour-Scale Layer

The Colour-Scale effect offsets an image's colours. This effect is useful in creating ambient transitions, such as from daytime to nighttime.

Refer to the following example to connect this effect:


Parameter Description
Name Allows you to enter a name for the node.
Red The factor by which to multiply red values in the image.
Green The factor by which to multiply green values in the image.
Blue The factor by which to multiply blue values in the image.
Alpha The factor by which to multiply alpha values in the image.
Hue The colour or hue to offset the image.
Saturation The amount of colour to offset the image.
Value Enter the value for the colour to offset the image. The actual colour values of the image are not changed; instead, the channels are multiplied by a selected amount. For example:
  • A value of 1 does not change the colour values.
  • A value greater than 1 brings the colour channel value closer to 255 (or white).
  • A value less than 1 brings the colour channel value closer to zero (0 or black).
Invert Matte

Inverts the matte used to generate the effect. By default, the effect is applied to the opaque areas of the matte drawing. When this option is enabled, the effect is applied to the transparent areas of the matte instead.