About the File Structure


A Harmony project is composed of several files. The drawings and colour palettes are not embedded in the project. They are separate linked files. Therefore, if you want to archive or share a project, you require all the files contained in the folder structure.

For Harmony Server, the scene files as well as user and configuration files are contained within the database structure. If you want to share or archive a project, you will need to use Control Center to export your data from the database. If you receive a package from another user or studio, you will also need to use Control Center to import it in your database. Refer to the Control Center Guide to learn how.

Harmony Server Database Files

All Harmony Server directories are located by default on Windows in C: or on Mac OS X at the root of the main drive where the operating system is installed.

/usa /usa/nt/bin/
Program directory (.exe)
Configuration files directory
License directory


Centralized database containing the structure of all the data that Harmony uses, except for the drawings and final images
Link to the databases (file systems)
User profiles



All the data is stored here
All the files including drawings, final frames, and sounds are placed in the different usadata folders
There can be more than one usadata000 file system created, such as usadata001, depending on the disks and the computer’s organization

usa_db Structure

The usa_db folder contains the configuration files, database and project structure, as well as shortcuts to scene data. If you browse through usa_db to get to a scene, you will navigate directly to the jobs folder. Even though the root of the project structure is the environment, you will go to jobs. The environment folder contains only the environment list, global environment libraries and configuration files. This means that for different projects, even though jobs are contained in different environments in Control Center, jobs must have unique names as they are physically contained in the same jobs folder.

Within the jobs folder, you will find a directory for each individual job. Within each job folder, you will find the folder for the global job library, job palettes, as well as a shortcut for each scene contained in the job. These shortcuts go to the scene data location. Depending on the parameters set upon creating the scene in the Control Center, different scenes may be located on different file systemss on different servers, based on storage space and other structure organization.

Scene File Structure

Here is an example of the file structure contained in a scene. As you work and use more features, different folders may appear in your structure.

Harmony Stand-Alone Scene File Structure

Toon Boom Harmony Network Scene File Structure

The Harmony scene folder contains the following folders: frames, audio, elements, etc.

Folder Contents
annotation Contains the images and thumbnails created while drawing in an Annotation column in the Xsheet view.
audio Contains all imported audio files.

(Harmony Server) This is no longer used for new projects; it remains for projects created with older versions of the software.


Contains all the drawing files. The drawings are organized by folders named like the layers they are associated with.


(Harmony Stand Alone) Contains the exported palette files that were originally stored at the environment level in the Harmony Server database structure or the palettes in a Harmony Stand Alone scene that will be imported later at the environment level in Harmony Server.


Contains the final frames after a render if you are using the default settings of the Write node in the Node view.


(Harmony Stand Alone) Contains the exported palette files that were originally stored at the environment level in the Harmony Server database structure or the palettes in a Harmony Stand Alone scene that will be imported later at the environment level in Harmony Server.


Contains scene palettes and scene palette list files.


(Harmony Server) Contains multiple versions of a scene. This is useful if you are experimenting with different ways to do a scene. Note that all versions of a scene use the same drawing and palette files.


This folder is used when a user links external images to a scene and wants to store a backup copy in case the link breaks.