
The Grid node displays a grid, in field chart unit, which allows you to position elements in the Camera view.

Grid Properties

Parameter Description
Name Lets you rename the node.

Adjusts the amount of units in the grid (field chart). The grid size will always be a 4:3 ratio, as per traditional animation standards, but will adjust the camera frame width. You can change the grid to adjust to the camera frame by deselecting the Fit Vertical option.


The grid size default format is 4:3 ratio, as per traditional animation standards, but will adjust the camera frame width. You can change the grid ratio by entering a new ratio. To find your scene ratio, select Scene > Scene Settings.

Fit Vertical

Makes the grid size adjust the camera width or height.

Display Text Turns the display of numbers on or off.

Makes the grid's background opaque. Nothing behind will be shown. You can also click on the colour swatch to open the Colour Picker window and select a background colour.


The colour and alpha values of the corresponding point. You can also click on the colour swatch to open the Colour Picker window and select a grid or background colour. Default values: 0,0,0 and 255, 255, 255.

Colour Swatch

Opens the Colour Picker window in which you can specify the colour.