Selecting a Layer

There are different ways to select the layers you want to reposition.

You can select your elements directly in the Camera view using the Transform tool. When using this tool, its properties and options appear in the Tool Properties view. Always make sure that the Peg Selection Mode option in the Tool Properties view is disabled or it will limit the selection to pegs only.

When you have several layers in the Timeline view, you may find it hard to locate which one is selected. You can use the Centre on Selection feature to display the selected layer in the Timeline view.

Like the Timeline view with its many layers, when you have several nodes in the Node view, you may find it hard to locate which one is selected. You can use the Centre on Selection feature as well as the Search toolbar to focus on the selected node in the Node view. You can also select elements in the Timeline or Xsheet view. This can be useful when there are too many objects in the scene or when an object is hard to grab. Finally, you can select all the elements within a group at once via via the Node or Timeline view.

You can change the display style of selected elements to a bounding box style. This removes the default overlay highlight and leaves only the bounding box around the selected element.