Configuring Harmony Web Control Center on Windows

Running Harmony Web Control Center Manually

Harmony Web Control Center is included in your installation of Harmony 12.2.1.

NOTE: You can use the Toon Boom Harmony Installation Wizard at any time to install Harmony Web Control Center as a service.

Configuring Harmony Web Control Center

You must use the Toon Boom Harmony Configuration Wizard to install Harmony Web Control Center server and the Cisco OpenH264 library which enables you to see view the movie and thumbnail previews in Web Control Center.

Starting or Stopping the Harmony Web Control Center Service

If at any point you want to start or stop Harmony Web Control Center service, you can do so through the Harmony Control Panel or through Windows services.

Customizing the Harmony Web Control Center Service

You can customize some parameters, such as the default port, for the Harmony Web Control Center service.

Uninstalling the Harmony Web Control Center Service

If you need to uninstall the Harmony Web Control Center service, you can do so using the Harmony Control Panel.

NOTE: A script was added to assist in uninstalling the Cisco OpenH264 library on Windows. It is located in the Configuration Wizard.

Network Setup

If your server does not have an assigned IP address on your DNS server, you should set up a static IP.

Setting Up a Static IP


Opening a Port for External Connection

It is necessary to open a port in your firewall to allow other computers to access the Harmony Web Control Center server. Be default, Harmony Web Control Center uses port 8080.