
Before installing Toon Boom Harmony, you must perform the following tasks:

Obtaining the Product Code
Prerequisites for Harmony Installation

For the most current Toon Boom Harmony hardware requirements, visit:

You can also refer to the Harmony and Your IT Department white paper available from:

Toon Boom Animation Sales Representative
Toon Boom Animation Support at:

You should obtain a product code from the Toon Boom licensor, so you can finish the installation process without having to wait for the activation code to arrive.

To obtain a Harmony 12.2 product code, send the following information to:

Your name and the name of your company
Email address where to send the license file

Editing Files

When editing files, you can use your favourite text editor. In this guide, all the Mac OS X procedures use the vi text editor.
You must be logged in using the root account. If not, type sudo before launching the command. For example:

sudo vi hosts

A DNS server must be configured on the network in order to run Harmony. All the computers running Harmony must be registered with this server or Harmony cannot run properly. If a DNS server is not configured on the network or if Harmony workstations are having problems resolving the name of the server, the name of the server and each client along with their IP address should be added to the /etc/hosts file on each computer.