Creating Cycles
Once you have entered a series of drawings and exposures, you can create cycles out of them in several ways.
You can loop your drawings using the following commands:
When you create a drawing cycle, all of the repeated drawings are linked to the same original files. This means that when you modify, repaint, or correct a drawing named “1,” all drawings named “1” are updated simultaneously. In order to modify a drawing independently from its other exposures, you must duplicate the drawing.
How to paste a cycle
In the Xsheet view, select the cell range to loop. |
In the Xsheet view, select the cell where you want your cycles to start. |
Do one of the following: |
Right-click and select Paste Cycle. |
Press Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + / (Mac OS X). |
The Paste Cycle dialog box opens.
Do one of the following: |
In the Number of Cycles field, enter the number of cycles you want to paste. |
Increase or decrease the number of cycles you want to paste. |
In the Cycle Type menu, select the type of cycle you want to paste. |
Normal (forward): Pastes cycles as for all cycles, starting with the first cell of your selection and ending with the last. |
Reverse: Pastes cycles in the reverse order of the original selection, starting with the last cell of your selection and ending with the first one. |
Forward > Reverse: Pastes the first cycle in your selection as is, then the following one in reverse order. This repeated until all cycles are pasted. |
Reverse > Forward: Pastes the first cycle in your selectionin reverse order, then the following one as is. This repeated until all cycles are pasted. |
You can perform the same operation using the Paste Special dialog box. To open the Paste Special dialog box, select Edit > Paste Special or press Ctrl + B (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + B (Mac OS X).
How to paste a reversed cycle
In the Xsheet view, select the cell range to paste in reverse order. |
In the Xsheet view, select the cell where you want your cycles to start. |
Do one of the following: |
Right-click and select Paste Reverse. |
Press Ctrl + . (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + . (Mac OS X). |