Break Down: Creating Ghost Drawings

At this point, your basic breakdown should be almost complete. There is one optional step you can do before moving on, and that is to add extra drawings and expressions to your character called adding ghost drawings.

Right now, the Timeline view looks something like this:

Some parts have no drawings in certain views. For example, the left eye has no drawing available for the Side view. To make your puppet more efficient when you animate, a good trick is to add invisible drawings that you can select even when no image is necessary.

Creating ghost or invisible drawings can be very useful if you need to select a part of your character for use with Drawing Substitution feature or Inverse Kinematics tool, or to avoid having the system automatically fill in the exposure gaps when swapping images.

To create ghost drawings, copy one of the existing drawings, paste it in the empty cell and repaint it with a fully transparent colour.

At this point, you can convert the layers to symbols—see Converting the Layers into Symbols.