Positioning an Element Using the Transform Tool

Using the Transform tool, you can easily reposition, scale, rotate and even skew layers directly in the Camera view.

When positioning a drawing layer using the Transform tool, always make sure the Peg Selection Mode is deselected in the Tool Properties view. Otherwise, it will limit the selection to pegs in the Camera view.

Transformations, such as rotation, scale, skew and flip are made relative to the pivot point position. You can temporarily reposition the pivot point for each transformation using the Transform tool. Note that the pivot is only moved temporarily. When animating the position, the interpolation is calculated from the permanent pivot position—see Positioning an Element Using the Advanced Animation Tools.

Transform Tool Properties

Icon Tool
Lasso and Marquee
Peg Selection Mode
Snap Options
Hide Manipulator Controls
Works on Single Drawing
Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical
Rotate 90 Degrees CW and CCW
Offset X and Y
Width and Height