Importing Models
Once you have a fully painted drawing, you can use it as a colour model and load it in the Model view. That drawing can be used and loaded in any of your Harmony scenes.
Once a drawing is loaded in the Model view, you can use the Dropper to select a colour from the model and use it to paint in your Camera or Drawing view without having to pick the colour from the colour palette.
You can do more than just copy colours from a colour model. Harmony gives you the ability to copy parts of the character directly from its colour model and paste these elements into the Drawing or Camera views.
How to load a colour model from the Timeline or Xsheet view
In the Timeline or Xsheet view, select a drawing (*.tvg). |
Bring the model into the Model view by doing one of the following: |
In the Timeline view, drag the selected drawing and drop it directly in the Model view. |
From the Model View menu, select Use Current Drawing as Model. |
In the Model View toolbar’s extra buttons, click Current Drawing button. |
The model appears in the Model view.
How to browse for a colour model drawing on your hard drive
Do one of the following: |
From the Model View menu, select Import Model. |
Click the Import Model button or from the Model View’s toolbar. |
Select File > Import > Colour Model. |
In the Browser window, browse for any *.tvg drawing file on your hard drive or in the database. |
The model appears in the Model view.
How to load the default models
In your scene’s folder, create a new folder and name it models. |
On your hard drive copy the *.tvg drawing file you want to use as colour models in your scene. |
Do one of the following: |
From the Model View menu, select Load Default Model. |
In the Model View toolbar’s extra buttons, click the Load Default Model button . |
How to load a single drawing from the Library view
In the Library view, click the template containing the drawing to import in the Model view. |
Right-click on the template and select Open As Folder. |
In the Library view’s left side, select the template’s folder and continuing expanding its subfolders until *.tvg files appear on the right side. |
In the Library view’s right side, select the TVG drawing to import and drag it into the Model view. |
How to load a symbol from the Library view
In the Library view’s left side, select the Symbols folder. |
In the Library view’s right side, select the symbol that you want to use as a model, and drag and drop it directly into the Model view. |
Use the Previous Model and Next Model buttons in the Model view’s toolbar to view all the drawings contained in the template. This can often be the front, profile, and 3/4 views of a character. |
How to copy the entire model from the Model view
In the Model view’s toolbar, select the Select tool. |
In the Model view, select your model. |
From the top menu, select Edit > Copy Drawing Object or press Ctrl + C (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + C (Mac OS X). |
In the Timeline view, make sure that you have the correct layer and frame selected. |
Select either the Drawing or Camera view then go to the top menu and select Edit > Paste Drawing Object, or select the Timeline view and from the top men select Edit > Paste cells in the Timeline or pressCtrl + V (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + V (Mac OS X). |
The model now appears in the selected view.
How to copy part of the model from the Model view
In the Model view’s toolbar, select the Cutter tool or press Alt + T. |
In the Model view, use the Cutter tool to create a selection around the part of your model that you want to copy. |
From the top menu, select Edit > Copy Drawing Object or press Ctrl + C (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + C (Mac OS X). |
In the Timeline view, make sure you have the correct layer and frame selected. |
Do one of the following: |
Select the Drawing or Camera view and select Edit > Paste Drawing Object. |
Select the Timeline view and select Edit > Paste cells in the Timeline or press Ctrl + V (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + V (Mac OS X). |
The model appears in the selected view.