Function Drop-down Menu

When you create a function curve in the Layer Properties view or editor, you have several choices available:

Create 3D Path: Creates a new 3D Path Column set
Create Bezier: Creates a new Bezier curve
Create Ease: Creates a new Ease curve
Local: Disconnects the parameter from any function and turns it public
3D Path: Displays the list of every public 3D Path function available
Bezier: Displays the list of every public Bezier curve available
Ease: Displays the list of every public Ease curve available
Velobased: Displays the list of every public velocity based curve available
Expression: Displays the list of every public Expression function available
3D Rotation: Displays the list of every public 3D Rotation function available
Connected: Displays the list of every public connected function curve
Unconnected: Displays the list of every public unconnected function curve
All: Displays the list of every public function curve

The user has the choice of creating a new function curve or linking it to an already existing public one. This way, he can have two or more parameters following the same function.

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Function Types