Creating Metadata Notes
As you create assets for your game in Harmony, you may want to make notes about the scene or specific parts of the character or props for the programmer. These embedded notes that will be exported with your assets to Unity are known as metadata.
- In the top-right corner of a view, click the Add View button and select Metadata Editor.
- In the top menu, select Windows > Metadata Editor.
- In the Metadata Editor view, in the Scene Metadata section, click on the plus button to create a new metadata entry.
- In the Add Metadata dialog box, enter the name of your new scene entry.
- Click Add and Close if you only intend to add a single entry. Click Add if you intend to add multiple entries. Continue adding multiple entries, clicking Add after each one. Click Close when you are through.
- In the Metadata Editor view, double-click on the value field for the first entry to make it editable.
- Enter the value information for this entry.
- Continue adding value information for all your entries.
The Add Metadata dialog box appears.
This information will be exported with your Harmony assets. Once in Unity, scene Metadata will appear in Inspector view > Metadata when the asset is selected in the Hierarchy view.
- In the Timeline view, click on the layer to which you would like to attach metadata.
- In the Node Metadata section, click on the plusbutton to create a new metadata entry.
- In the Add Metadata dialog box, enter the name of your new node entry.
- Click Add and Close if you only intend to add a single entry. Click Add if you intend to add multiple entries. Continue adding multiple entries, clicking Add after each one. Click Close when you are through.
- In the Metadata Editor view, double-click on the value field for the first entry to make it editable.
- Enter the value information for this entry.
- Continue adding value information for all your entries.
The name of the layer appears near the top of the Node Metadata section.
The Add Metadata dialog box appears.
This information will be exported with your Harmony assets, more specifically, this information will be linked to the selected layer. Once in Unity, scene Metadata will appear in Inspector view > Metadata when the asset is selected in the Hierarchy view.