Animating for Games
This video is an overview of the animation features that can be used to create animation for games. These include regular and new animation features. More in depth tutorials about each of these features can be found on the Learn Portal.
- Harry Ravelomanantsoa
- Technical Software Sales Specialist
Pour compléter cette rubrique, vous aurez besoin des éléments suivants provenant de l’échantillon de matériel que vous avez téléchargé :
MO-H21GAMENEW-003 > T-H21GAMENEW-003-001
The supplied material contains stages of character creation and animation for games. With the supplied material, you can do the following:
Step 1: Rig the character.
Step 2: Create animations for the character.
Step 3: Apply Scene Markers.
Step 4: Create skins.
Each step in the materials contains an incomplete and complete version of that step.