Playing Back the Animatic
You can preview your project as an animatic in Storyboard Pro at any time during its development process. Using the Playback toolbar, you can preview the visual content, including transformations and transitions, and have it synchronized with sounds.
How to preview an animatic
- In the Playback toolbar, click the Sound button.
If you want to see how the shots will look with dynamic camera movement, click the Camera Preview button. You will need this option on to preview Camera moves and transitions. When you drag the red playhead while Camera Preview is enabled, it will adjust the Stage view to match the point of view of the camera.
- In the Timeline or Thumbnails view, select the panel where you want the playback to begin.
- In the Playback toolbar, click the Play Selection or Play buttons or press Shift+Enter.
- To play your project in a continuous loop, click the Loop button.
- You may also scroll through the Timeline view by dragging the red playhead.
- Select Play > Previous Frame or Next Frame to skip and play back one frame at a time. Or press comma (,) and period (.).