About the Perspective Modes
When drawing on vector layers, selecting the Perspective tool displays its properties and options in the Tool Properties view.
Lasso and Marquee Modes
When selecting a section of a drawing, you can use the Lasso to make a freehand selection or the Marquee to make a rectangular selection.
In the tool properties, select Lasso or Marquee mode to change the selection style of the tool. Hold down the Alt key to temporarily switch from the selected mode to the other.
Snap Modes
When drawing a shape, you can snap it to any line at which you begin drawing. This helps you set objects in your drawing with greater precision. You can also create objects that snap to an anchor point of an existing object in your drawing.
NOTE: When snapping and aligning objects, it is helpful to display the grid—see About Drawing Space Efficiency.
How to snap to contours
- In the Tool Properties view, click the Snap to Contour button.
- Position the pointer near the object to which you want to snap your new shape and begin drawing.
How to snap and align objects
- In the Tool Properties view, click the Snap and Align button.
- Position the pointer near the anchor point of the object to which you want to snap your new shape and begin drawing.
How to snap to the grid
- In the Tool Properties view, click the Snap to Grid button.
- Position the pointer near the anchor point of the object to which you want to snap to the grid and move the point.