Uploading Assets from CSV

Upload Assets from CSV can be used to provide Producer with a list of assets to create and previews to upload. This process is very useful when you have a series of existing assets, such as hundreds of backgrounds and would like to load them in Producer in a single operation.

  • The actual source file, specified by the \"Relative Path\", will not be uploaded but its path will be registered for later access.
  • The Thumbnail will be uploaded.

CSV Format Specifications

The CSV field delimiter is a semicolon (or comma). The first line of the CSV must contain the various field names.

The following fields are recognized (case insensitive):

Field Description
Asset Name

It is a mandatory field, unless an asset code is specified.

Asset Code It is used to update an existing asset.
Workflow Code

To determine which workflow will be used with this asset.


This cannot be used to update existing assets.

Type Must match an existing asset type - Optional.
Category Must match an existing asset category - Optional.
Workspace Id Workspaces are predefined using Producer Link.
Relative Path Path of the source file for the asset, relative to the Workspace. In the case of a Harmony Standalone template, must point to the .xstage file.
Thumbnail Path Absolute Path of a file to be uploaded and used as thumbnail in Producer.
Process Name Specify the process for the uploaded asset and note.
ExternalRef Type

Use one of these two ExternalRef Types:

  • Harmony Standalone (Standalone scene used to build a template)
  • ref (any other type, such as third party software images)
Note Note for the asset. Quote your note e.g. \"Your note,;\" so that , or ; are not recognized as separators.
Note Attachment Path

Absolute path of a note attachment.

Sample CSV