Script Node

Classes and functions of the scripting API available from the Script node. More...


class  Cel
 The Cel JavaScript class. Adds file storage capabilities to cels. More...
class  ColorRGBA
 The ColorRGBA JavaScript class. Represent an 8 bits per channel Red Green Blue Alpha colour. More...
class  FileIOType
 The IO JavaScript global object. Enumerates the different types of stream behaviour the ImageFile can take. More...
class  FileWrapper
 The PermanentFile and TemporaryFile JavaScript classes. Used to represent an actual image file on disk. More...
class  Matrix4x4
 The Matrix4x4 JavaScript class. Defines a four by four matrix container. More...
class  SCR_NetworkSessionSocketMgrWrapper
 The SessionSocketMgr JavaScript class, creates and keeps sockets bounded throughout a session. More...
class  RemoteCmd
 The RemoteCmd JavaScript class. Send one sided commands to a remote host. More...
class  Point2d
 The Point2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional point. More...
class  Point3d
 The Point3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional point. More...
class  Process2
 The Process2 JavaScript class. Used to launch an external process. More...
class  SCR_ProcessManagerWrapper
 The SCR_ProcessManagerWrapper JavaScript class. Singleton interface used to monitor, create and control detached child processes by name. More...
class  Quaternion
 The Quaternion Javascript class. Defines a 4 dimensional value. More...
class  Vector2d
 The Vector2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional vector. More...
class  Vector3d
 The Vector3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional vector. More...
class  about
 The about JavaScript global object. Provides information about the main application and the platform on which the script is running. More...
class  MessageLog
 The MessageLog JavaScript global object. Allows the user to print messages to the message log window. More...

Detailed Description

Classes and functions of the scripting API available from the Script node.