▶CBAPP_SpecialFolders | |
CspecialFolders | The specialFolders JavaScript global object. Provide the path to application specific paths |
CCELIO | The CELIO JavaScript global object. Provide information about image file |
▶CGlobalObject | |
Cabout | The about JavaScript global object. Provides information about the main application and the platform on which the script is running |
CAction | The Action JavaScript global object. Trigger action associated to menu or tool bar items |
CBackdrop | The Backdrop JavaScript global object. Get, set and add backdrops |
Ccolumn | The column JavaScript global object. Retrieve add or remove values from columns in your scene |
CcolumnMarkers | The JavaScript class for using XSheet column markers. Obtain it by calling columnMarkers from the column global object |
CcompositionOrder | The compositionOrder JavaScript global object. Extract timeline composition order |
CcopyPaste | The copyPaste JavaScript global object. Copy paste to/from templates |
CDrawing | The Drawing JavaScript global object. Iterate and manipulate the drawings of an element node |
CDrawingTools | The DrawingTools JavaScript global object. Get information about the currently selected drawing |
Celement | The element JavaScript global object. Add, remove, modify or get information about element nodes in the scene |
Cexporter | The exporter JavaScript global object. Provides access to the project export directory |
CFileDialog | The FileDialog JavaScript global object. A simplified version of the Qt file dialogs |
CfileMapper | The fileMapper JavaScript global object. Map paths from one format to another |
Cframe | The frame JavaScript global object. Get the current frame or number of frames. Add or remove frames in your scene. Manipulate the timeline marker |
Cfunc | The func JavaScript global object. Retrieve and modify values of function curves |
CInput | The Input JavaScript global object. A simplified version of the Qt input dialogs |
CKeyModifiers | The KeyModifiers JavaScript global object. Query key modifiers |
Clibrary | The library JavaScript global object. Select templates, and generate thumbnails or movies for them |
CMessageBox | The MessageBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the MessageBox Qt dialog |
CMessageLog | The MessageLog JavaScript global object. Allows the user to print messages to the message log window |
CMovieImport | The MovieImport JavaScript global object. Import a QuickTime movie in the current scene |
Cnode | The node JavaScript global object |
CPaletteManager | The PaletteManager JavaScript global object. Used to get information about the Colour view current selection |
CPaletteObjectManager | The PaletteObjectManager JavaScript global object. Provides access to palette list (PaletteList) and palette (Palette) objects |
CPenstyleManager | The PenstyleManager JavaScript global object. Query/modify the current penstyle and list of penstyles |
Cpreferences | The preferences JavaScript global object. Set or retrieve user preferences saved in the user local data |
Crender | The render JavaScript global object. Render the scene or a part of the scene |
Cscene | The scene JavaScript global object. Retrieve and set global scene attributes, like the aspect ratio of the cells in the scene grid |
Cselection | The selection JavaScript global object. Retrieve information about the nodes or columns that are selected |
Csound | The sound JavaScript global object. Access the scene soundtrack in part or in whole. The scripting environment can receive notifications when scene frame is ready. See the TB_ExportFLV.js script for an example |
CSystem | The System JavaScript global object. Call system specific command directly |
CTimeline | The Timeline JavaScript global object. Used to get informations about layers and frames from the Timeline view |
CToolProperties | The ToolProperties JavaScript global object. Controls the Tool Properties |
CUiloader | The UiLoader JavaScript global object allows the user to load pre-defined Qt forms that define Qt widgets (generally built within Qt Designer) |
Cview | The view JavaScript global object. Provides information about the contents of selected View windows |
Cwaypoint | The waypoint JavaScript global object |
Cxsheet | The xsheet JavaScript global object. Enables manipulation of the XSheet view from scripting. For example, allows a script to auto-advance the XSheet cell independently of the current timeline selection |
▶CLabeled | |
CComboBox | The ComboBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the ComboBox Qt widget |
CDateEdit | The DateEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the DateEdit Qt widget |
CLineEdit | The LineEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the LineEdit Qt widget |
CNumberEdit | The NumberEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the NumberEdit Qt widget |
CSlider | The Slider JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Slider Qt widget |
CSpinBox | The SpinBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the SpinBox Qt widget |
CTimeEdit | The TimeEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the TimeEdit Qt widget |
▶CMO_SignalEmitter | |
▶CWidgetBase | Base class of the script widget classes |
CButtonWidget | The ButtonWidget JavaScript class. A button widget |
CCheckboxWidget | The CheckboxWidget JavaScript class. A checkbox widget |
CCustomWidget | The CustomWidget JavaScript class. A widget for which the attribute , drag_manipulator , painter , picker and local_transformation components are specified at the widget creation |
CLabelWidget | The LabelWidget JavaScript class. A floating Label display widget |
CLine2dDisplayWidget | The Line2dDisplayWidget JavaScript class. A 2 dimensional line linking 2 points |
CPoint2dWidget | The Point2dWidget JavaScript class. A 2 dimensional point widget of various shape |
CRotation3dWidget | The Rotation3dWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable spherical widget |
CRotationXWidget | The RotationXWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the x axis |
CRotationYWidget | The RotationYWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the y axis |
CRotationZWidget | The RotationZWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the z axis |
CSliderWidget | The SliderWidget JavaScript class. A vertical or horizontal slider |
CTranslationXWidget | The TranslationXWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the x axis |
CTranslationYWidget | The TranslationYWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the y axis |
CTranslationZWidget | The TranslationZWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the z axis |
▶CQObject | |
CAttribute | The JavaScript class encapsulating a node attribute. Obtain one from the node getAttr or getAttrList methods |
▶CBaseColor | Base class for color and texture pots stored in palettes |
CColor | The JavaScript class for manipulating colours. Can be created from a Palette object |
CTexture | The JavaScript class for manipulating textures. Can be created from a Palette object |
CColorOverride | The JavaScript class for manipulating colour override nodes. Created from the node global object |
CColorRGBA | The ColorRGBA JavaScript class. Represent an 8 bits per channel Red Green Blue Alpha colour |
CColorType | The JavaScript class for defining the different color types. Obtain it from Constants |
CCompositionItem | The JavaScript class for getting the composition information of a node. Obtain one from the compositionOrder global object |
CConstants | The JavaScript class for getting the constant colour and palette data. Obtain it from PaletteObjectManager |
CController | The Controller JavaScript object. This object is available in Master Controller callback functions |
CCopyOptions | The JavaScript class for getting or setting the model directory, the scan files and the default camera name flags when copying. Obtain from the copyPaste global object |
CDateEditEnum | The DateEditEnum JavaScript global object. Specifies the type of display order of day, month, year |
CDir | The Dir JavaScript class. Interface to operating system Dir operations, e.g. mkdir , rmdir , rename , etc |
CDirSpec | The DirSpec JavaScript global object. Enum for directory operations |
CDragContext | The JavaScript class for converting position from one coordinate system to another. Obtain it as a parameter to the WidgetBase drag signals |
CDragObject | The JavaScript class representing a dragged object. Obtain from the copyPaste global object copy method |
CDrawingToolParams | The DrawingToolParams JavaScript class. Set or unset the "apply on all drawings" setting of the DrawingTools methods |
CFile | The File JavaScript class. Open, close, read, write, get information about files |
CFileAccess | The FileAccess JavaScript global object. Enum to define file operation |
CFileIOType | The IO JavaScript global object. Enumerates the different types of stream behaviour the ImageFile can take |
CFileWrapper | The PermanentFile and TemporaryFile JavaScript classes. Used to represent an actual image file on disk |
CLayoutExport | The LayoutExport JavaScript class. Pop up a dialog, render layout and manage the export progress bar |
CLayoutExportParams | The LayoutExportParams JavaScript class. Use a set parameters for the LayoutExport dialog |
CMatrix4x4 | The Matrix4x4 JavaScript class. Defines a four by four matrix container |
CModel3d | The Model3d JavaScript class |
CPalette | The JavaScript class providing information about a specific palette |
CPaletteList | The JavaScript class providing information about a palette list. Obtain from PaletteObjectManager methods like getPaletteListByElementId , getScenePaletteList or getPaletteListById |
CPaletteListType | The JavaScript class for getting the palette list type. Obtain it from Constants |
CPaletteLocation | The JavaScript class for defining the standard palette locations. Obtain it from Constants |
CPaletteLocator | This class is used to retrieve Constants used in the palette and colors |
CPasteOptions | The JavaScript class for getting or setting the model directory, the scan files and the default camera name flags when pasting. Obtain from the copyPaste global object |
CPoint2d | The Point2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional point |
CPoint3d | The Point3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional point |
CProcess | The Process JavaScript class. Used to launch an external process |
CProcess | The Process JavaScript class. Used to launch an external process |
CQuaternion | The Quaternion Javascript class. Defines a 4 dimensional value |
CRemoteCmd | The RemoteCmd JavaScript class. Send one sided commands to a remote host |
CSceneChangeNotifier | The SceneChangeNotifier JavaScript class. Execute client code upon scene change events |
CSubnodeData | The SubnodeData Javascript class |
CVector2d | The Vector2d JavaScript class. Defines a two dimensional vector |
CVector3d | The Vector3d JavaScript class. Defines a three dimensional vector |
CWidgetBase | Base class of the script widget classes |
▶CQScriptable | |
CButtonWidget | The ButtonWidget JavaScript class. A button widget |
CCheckboxWidget | The CheckboxWidget JavaScript class. A checkbox widget |
CController | The Controller JavaScript object. This object is available in Master Controller callback functions |
CCustomWidget | The CustomWidget JavaScript class. A widget for which the attribute , drag_manipulator , painter , picker and local_transformation components are specified at the widget creation |
CDir | The Dir JavaScript class. Interface to operating system Dir operations, e.g. mkdir , rmdir , rename , etc |
CFile | The File JavaScript class. Open, close, read, write, get information about files |
CLabelWidget | The LabelWidget JavaScript class. A floating Label display widget |
CLine2dDisplayWidget | The Line2dDisplayWidget JavaScript class. A 2 dimensional line linking 2 points |
CPalette | The JavaScript class providing information about a specific palette |
CPaletteList | The JavaScript class providing information about a palette list. Obtain from PaletteObjectManager methods like getPaletteListByElementId , getScenePaletteList or getPaletteListById |
CPoint2dWidget | The Point2dWidget JavaScript class. A 2 dimensional point widget of various shape |
CProcess | The Process JavaScript class. Used to launch an external process |
CRotation3dWidget | The Rotation3dWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable spherical widget |
CRotationXWidget | The RotationXWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the x axis |
CRotationYWidget | The RotationYWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the y axis |
CRotationZWidget | The RotationZWidget JavaScript class. A rotatable circle widget around the z axis |
CSceneChangeNotifier | The SceneChangeNotifier JavaScript class. Execute client code upon scene change events |
CSliderWidget | The SliderWidget JavaScript class. A vertical or horizontal slider |
CTranslationXWidget | The TranslationXWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the x axis |
CTranslationYWidget | The TranslationYWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the y axis |
CTranslationZWidget | The TranslationZWidget JavaScript class. A translatable arrow in the z axis |
▶CSCR_AbstractInterface | |
Cdeformation | The deformation JavaScript global object. Provide deformation node parent matrix transformations |
CWebCCExporter | The WebCCExporter JavaScript global object. Generate movies encoded in H.264 |
▶CSCRIPT_QSWidget | |
CButton | The Button JavaScript class. A simplified Button Qt widget |
CCheckBox | The CheckBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the CheckBox Qt widget |
CDialog | The Dialog JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Qt dialog |
CGroupBox | The GroupBox JavaScript class. A simplified version of the GroupBox Qt widget |
CLabel | The Label JavaScript class. A simplified version of the Label Qt widget |
CRadioButton | The RadioButton JavaScript class. A simplified version of the RadioButton Qt widget |
CTextEdit | The TextEdit JavaScript class. A simplified version of the TextEdit Qt widget |
▶CUI_DialogController | |
CExportVideoDlg | The ExportVideoDlg JavaScript class. A dialog that can be used before an export to query the user about various settings |
CDrawingTools::vectorize |
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