Resetting Transformations
You can easily reset layers to their original position. With the Reset command, you can return the value of a selected element to the initial value of the active tool. For example, if the Rotate tool is active, the transformation angle will be reset to 0 and if the Transform tool is active, the all transformation parameters values will be reset.
When selecting elements in the Camera view using the Transform tool, always make sure that the Peg Selection Mode is deselected in the Tool Properties view. Otherwise, it will limit the selection to pegs only.
- In the Tools toolbar, select the Transform tool or any Advanced Animation tool.
- In the Timeline view or directly in the Camera view, select the drawing layer(s) to reset.
- From the top menu, select Animation > Reset or press R. This will reset the current frame if keyframes were created.
The selected layer(s) return to their original position.
- In the Tools toolbar, select the Transform tool or any Advanced Animation tool.
- In the Timeline view or directly in the Camera view, select the drawing layer(s) to reset.
- From the top menu, select Animation > Reset All or press Shift + R.
The selected layer(s) return to their original position.
- In the Tools toolbar, select the Transform tool or any Advanced Animation tool.
- In the Timeline view or directly in the Camera view, select the drawing layer(s) to reset.
- From the top menu, select Animation > Reset All Except Z.
All values except for those set on the Z axis are reset.
- In the Tools toolbar, select the Transform tool or press Shift + T.
- In the Timeline or Camera view, select one or more drawing layers to reset.
- Do one of the following:
- Right-click the selected layers and select Clear All Values. This will remove all keyframes and reset all values for the entire layer.
- In the Timeline View menu, select Layers > Clear All Values. This will remove all keyframes and reset all values for the entire layer.
The selected layers return to their original position.