Locking Drawings
You can acquire and release the rights to modify drawings when working with Harmony Server.
How to enable the Edit Drawing Mode
- From the top menu, select Edit > Edit Drawing Mode.
How to get the rights on a selection of drawings
- Make sure that the Edit Drawing Mode is disabled.
- In the Xsheet view, select the drawings you want to edit.
- Select Edit > Get Rights to Modify Drawings or press Alt + L.
How to release the rights on a selection of drawings
- In the Xsheet view, select the drawings you want to release.
- Select Edit > Release Rights to Modify Drawings or press Alt + Shift + L.
How to force the release of the rights of locked drawings
- In the Xsheet view, select the drawings you want to release.
- Select Edit > Force Release Rights to Modify Drawings.
A Warning dialog box opens.
- Click Yes if you want to continue to force the release.
- Click No if you want to cancel the force release.
How to read changed drawings
- Select File > Read Changed Drawings.