Configuring Link Servers on Mac OS X
If you are running Toon Boom Harmony 14.0 in a mixed environment where the server is on Mac OS X and some of the clients are running Windows, you must start the Link Server, which makes it possible for Windows machines to communicate with the database.
How to configure the Link Server on the server in a mixed network environment
- If you did not already install the Link Server during the server installation, you must do it now. From the Finder, go to Applications > Toon Boom Harmony [version] [edition] > Tools.
- Double-click on the Configuration Assistant.
- Select Create the Startup Items and deselect the other options.
- Click Continue.
- In Create Startup Item, select Create Link Server Startup Item.
- Click Create.
- Enter a user name and password of a user with administrator rights and click OK.
The installation will start Link server automatically.
- A log file is generated in /tmp/com.toonboom.LinkServer.log. Check this file to make sure there are no errors.
NOTE: To help troubleshoot, you might need to stop or start Link server.
Start Link Server:
Stop Link Server:
Start Link Server:
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toonboom.LinkServer.plist
Stop Link Server:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toonboom.LinkServer.plist