Interface Navigation

Toon Boom Harmony lets you zoom in, zoom out, rotate, pan and reset views for easy navigation of the interface.

Command Action Access Methods

Zoom In

Zooms in the view.

View > Zoom In

Press 2 or roll the mouse wheel up.

In the Timeline view, roll the mouse wheel up.

Zoom Out

Zooms out the view.

View > Zoom Out

Press 1 or roll the mouse wheel down.

In the Timeline view, roll the mouse wheel down

Zoom In or Out

Zooms in or out of the view.

Roll the middle mouse button up or down.


Moves parallel to the view.

Hold down the Spacebar and drag n in the direction in which you want to pan the view.

Recenter view

Recenters the view on the pointer.

Press N

Reset Pan

Resets the view’s pan to its default position.

View > Reset Pan

Press Shift + N

Reset View

Resets the view to its default position.

View > Reset View

Press Shift + M


Reset Rotation

Resets the view’s rotation to its default position.

View > Reset Rotation

Press Shift + X

Reset Zoom

Resets the view’s zoom to its default position.

View > Reset Zoom

Toggle Full Screen

Enlarges the selected view to full screen which is done in three stages.

First, the selected view enlarges to the maximum width or height, but keeps the tool views such as Colour or Tool Properties view.

Second, the view enlarges to full screen.

Third, the view returns to its original size.

View > Toggle Full Screen

Press Ctrl + F (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + F (Mac OS X)

Rotate 30 CW

Rotates the Camera view 30 degrees clockwise, like an animation table.

View > Rotate View CW

Rotate 30 CCW

Rotates the Camera view 30 degrees counter-clockwise, like an animation table.

View > Rotate View CCW

Toggle Quick Close-up

Use the Magnifier tool to quickly center on the mouse position and zoom in to a pre-defined value such as 4X. Then you can zoom out again. Hold the Shift key and press Z to zoom in and back out again. Replace the Reset Zoom by pressing Shift +.

The area where you zoom in or out is dependent on the pointer location in the Camera view. If you zoom in and then move the pointer to a different location when you zoom out the mouse will be centered on that location.



Using the Play Menu to Navigate

From the top menu, you can select any of the following commands from the Play menu to navigate around the interface.

Command Description
Start Frame Lets you set the frame on which playback will start.
End Frame Lets you set the frame on which playback will end.
First Frame Jump to the first frame. You can also press <.
Previous Frame Jumps to the frame before the frame currently selected in the Timeline view. You can also press the comma (,) key.
Next Frame Jumps to the frame after the currently selected frame in the Timeline view. You can also press the period (.) key.
Last Frame Jumps to the last frame. You can also press >.
Go to Frame

Opens the Go to Frame window in which you can enter the number of the frame you want to display.

You can also use the Go button, which you can add to the Timeline toolbar through the Toolbar Manager. Open the Go to Frame dialog box and enter the frame number to jump to.

Enable Playback Plays back your animation from the Top, Side, or Perspective views.