Chapter 42: Export Harmony Animations to Unity

At this point, if you have a custom game engine, you can take the exported data and proceed with your usual process. Or you can modify the export script to fit your convention.

If you’re going into Unity, here are some things you need to do:

Exporting the Animation
Opening the Sample Unity Project on page 1
Working in Unity on page 1

Exporting the Animation

If you were using Harmony 12.1 or earlier, it is strongly suggested that you clear your scripts before exporting animation for the first time. This will ensure there's no conflict with previous versions of the scripts and you have the most up-to-date script.

Setting Anchors and Props

Before exporting your scene, you must set the anchors and props.

An anchor is an attachment point you can use to bind one or several props to a specific location that is predefined by the anchor.

A prop is a game item that will be attached to an anchor. It could be a stick held within the character’s hand, a helmet attached to the character’s head...the possibilities are endless. Props are easy to turn on or off, and easily swappable from within Harmony or Unity.

For more information, see Setting Anchors and Props.

Before Exporting a Scene

Before making the export, be sure to set your Display as <Display> and not <Display All>
Be certain to save your scene. Harmony makes the export based on the tvg files, any unsaved updates you have added will not be exported.
Set your Harmony scene to be a square resolution (ex. 1024 x 1024). Select Scene > Scene Settings.

Additional Note

The Transparency parameter attached to the element node is exported along with the animation. You can set the transparency through the Layer Properties window (Advanced tab).