List of all members
node Class Reference

Nodes are synonymous with Filter, IO, Move and Group Modules in the Network View. More...

#include <nodeinterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for node:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for node:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

Node Data.
String root ()
 returns the name of the Top level in the network, which is "Top".
bool isGroup (String node)
 returns a true or false value indicating if the module is a Group Module.
String getName (String node)
 returns the name of a module
String type (String node)
 returns the module type. These are all of the built-in module types available from the Stage Module like: READ, COMPOSITE, PEG, QUADMAP, SHADOW, etc
int numberOfSubNodes (String parent)
 returns an integer that indicates the number of modules contained in a group.
String subNode (String parent, int iSubNode)
 returns the path of a module in a group. Modules are counted starting with zero
String subNodeByName (String parent, String name)
 This function returns the full path name of a child node belonging to a parent group. This function will validate that the parent group exists and that the child node exists in that parent. This function should be used instead of manually concatenating the full path name of child nodes.
String parentNode (String node)
 returns the path of the parent level of a module contained in a group
String noNode ()
 returns the null string that is returned by other functions when there is an error.
bool equals (String node1, String node2)
 returns true or false to indicate if a node path is equal to another. Used to compare node paths.
String getTextAttr (String node, double atFrame, String attrName)
 returns the value(s) of the module's selected attribute(s).
String linkedColumn (String node, String attrName)
 returns the name of the column that an attribute is linked to. If the attribute is not linked to a column, the function returns the null string.
virtual int coordX (String node)
 returns an integer indicating the X position of a module in the network
virtual int coordY (String node)
 returns an integer indicating the Y position of a module in the network
virtual int width (String node)
 returns the width of a given node. This width / height parameter is useful for computing the position of nodes in the Network view. It uses the same unit system as the coordX() and coordY() functions.
virtual int height (String node)
 returns the height of a given node. This width / height parameter is useful for computing the position of nodes in the Network view. It uses the same unit system as the coordX() and coordY() functions.
virtual bool setCoord (String node, int x, int y)
 sets the position of a module in the network.
int numberOfInputPorts (String node)
 the number of input ports on the module.
bool isLinked (String node, int iPort)
 returns true or false to indicate if a port is connected to another module.
String srcNode (String node, int iPort)
 returns the path for the module that the port is linked to.
String flatSrcNode (String node, int iPort)
 If the srcNode is a Group Module, this function returns the path of the module inside the Group Module that is the source. If the source is not inside a group, the flatSrcNode function behaves like the srcNode function.
int numberOfOutputPorts (String node)
 the number of output ports on a module.
int numberOfOutputLinks (String node, int iPort)
 the number of modules actually linked from the output ports.
String dstNode (String node, int iPort, int iLink)
 returns the path of the destination module linked to by the output port on the source module.
bool groupAtNetworkBuilding (String node)
 returns true if the peg's groupAtNetworkBuilding attribute is true.
bool addCompositeToGroup (String node)
 returns the value of the "Add Composite To Group" attribute of the peg-module. This method is obsolete.
Node Editing
String add (String parentGroup, String name, String type, int x, int y, int z)
 adds a module to the network.
String getGroupInputModule (String parentGroup, String name, int x, int y, int z)
 Return existing or add a group multi port in module.
String getGroupOutputModule (String parentGroup, String name, int x, int y, int z)
 Return existing or add a group multi port out module.
bool deleteNode (String name, bool deleteTimedValues=false, bool deleteElements=false)
 Delete a single node. Optionally, delete all columns and element associated to that node. The column and element would only be removed when no other modules refer to them. This function returns true when successful.
String createGroup (String nodes, String groupName)
 Create a group from the selection of nodes. The list of nodes is a string where the nodes are separated by commas. The actual name of each node in the list of nodes must include the full path of that node. The function returns the full path of the created group, or an empty string if the creation of the node failed.
String moveToGroup (String nodeName, String groupName)
 moves the specified node within the specified group. Similar to performing a drag and drop of a node to a group from the timeline.
bool explodeGroup (String groupName)
 Explode a group into its parent group. This function is identical to the "Explode Selected Group" from the Network view.
bool rename (String node, String newName)
 changes the name of a module.
bool setTextAttr (String node, String attrName, int atFrame, String attrValue)
 changes the value of an attribute in a module.
bool linkAttr (String node, String attrName, String columnName)
 links an attribute to a function column in the Xsheet View.
bool unlinkAttr (String node, String attrName)
 unlinks an attribute from a function column.
bool link (String srcNode, int srcPort, String dstNode, int dstPort)
 links a port on a module to a port on another module.
bool unlink (String dstNode, int inPort)
 unlinks a port on one module from the port on another module.
bool setEnable (String node, bool flag)
 Setters and getters for the enable/disable property of a node.
bool getEnable (String node)
 returns whether a module is enabled or not.
bool setLocked (String node, bool lock)
 Setters and getters for the lock/unlock property of a node.
bool getLocked (String node)
 returns the lock flag
bool setTimelineTag (String node, bool lock)
 sets the timeline tag flag
bool getTimelineTag (String node)
 returns the timeline tag flag
StringList getTimelineTagList (String node="Top", StringList list=StringList())
bool setAsGlobalDisplay (String node)
 This function changes the global display used in the application. The node must be the full path of a display module.
bool setGlobalToDisplayAll ()
 This function changes the global display used by the application to "Display All" pseudo-display.
bool setAsDefaultCamera (String node)
 Setters and getters for the default camera.
String getDefaultCamera ()
 returns the name of the default camera.
StringList getCameras ()
 Returns a list of all cameras within the scene.
QObject * getMatrix (String node, int frame)
 returns the model matrix of a node.
QObject * getPivot (String node, int frame)
 returns the pivot of the module
void explodeElementSymbolsInGroups (String element, bool disableElement, bool clearExposure, String &prefix=String())
 This function creates a group for each exposure of element elem where there is a symbol and will put the content of the symbol in that group. If disable element is TRUE, will disable the element afterwards. If clearExposure is TRUE, will clear the exposures where there were symbols afterwards. Will use prefix as the prefix for the generated group names.

Detailed Description

Nodes are synonymous with Filter, IO, Move and Group Modules in the Network View.

With Node functions, you can retrieve values from modules in your effects and compositing network. You can also use these functions to add and link modules in your network, and set their attributes.

Because there can be identical module names in the effects network, you must use the full path to identify a module. Similarly, when functions return module names, they often use the full path.

The syntax for module paths is:


You can use it in Script Editor only.

The parentNode function in this script adds the Composite Module in the parent group of the selected modules. The link function, in a loop, connects all selected modules to the new Composite Module. The setCoord function positions the new module in the network.

function compose()
var n = election.numberOfNodesSelected();
var i, posx, posy;
if (n > 0)
var comp = node.add( node.parentNode(selection.selectedNode(0)), "comp", "COMPOSITE", 0, 0, 0);
posx = 0;
posy = -10000;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
var selNode = selection.selectedNode(i);, 0, comp, i);
posx += node.coordX(selNode);
if (node.coordY(selNode) > posy)
posy = node.coordY(selNode);
posx /= n;
posy += 50;
node.setCoord(comp, posx, posy)

Member Function Documentation

String node::add ( String  parentGroup,
String  name,
String  type,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

adds a module to the network.

parent_group_path,:The path of the parent node into which you want to add this module
name,:The name of the module you will add.
type,:The type of module you will add. The module types are like: READ, COMPOSITE, PEG, QUADMAP, SHADOW, etc.
X: The X position of the module in the Network View.
Y: The Y position of the module in the Network View.
Z: The Z position of the module in the Network View. This property is important when two modules overlap
bool node::addCompositeToGroup ( String  node)

returns the value of the "Add Composite To Group" attribute of the peg-module. This method is obsolete.

node,:the path of the module
virtual int node::coordX ( String  node)

returns an integer indicating the X position of a module in the network

node,:the path of the module
virtual int node::coordY ( String  node)

returns an integer indicating the Y position of a module in the network

node,:the path of the module
String node::createGroup ( String  nodes,
String  groupName 

Create a group from the selection of nodes. The list of nodes is a string where the nodes are separated by commas. The actual name of each node in the list of nodes must include the full path of that node. The function returns the full path of the created group, or an empty string if the creation of the node failed.

The parent of the group is implicitly specified. It will be the same as the parent of the first node in the list.

nodes,:This a comma delimited list of names of nodes. ( node0,node1,node2)
groupName,:The name of the group to create. The actual group
bool node::deleteNode ( String  name,
bool  deleteTimedValues = false,
bool  deleteElements = false 

Delete a single node. Optionally, delete all columns and element associated to that node. The column and element would only be removed when no other modules refer to them. This function returns true when successful.

node,:the path of the module
deleteTimedValues,:A boolean that indicates if the columns referenced by that node shall be removed if they are no longer in use.
deleteElements,:A boolean that indicates if the element should also be removed, if they are no longer in use.
String node::dstNode ( String  node,
int  iPort,
int  iLink 

returns the path of the destination module linked to by the output port on the source module.

node,:the path of the module
iPort,:The port number on which you want to find the connected module. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
iLink,:The link number whose destination module you want to find. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputLinks function.
bool node::equals ( String  node1,
String  node2 

returns true or false to indicate if a node path is equal to another. Used to compare node paths.

node1,:the path of the first module
node2,:the path of the second module
void node::explodeElementSymbolsInGroups ( String  element,
bool  disableElement,
bool  clearExposure,
String &  prefix = String() 

This function creates a group for each exposure of element elem where there is a symbol and will put the content of the symbol in that group. If disable element is TRUE, will disable the element afterwards. If clearExposure is TRUE, will clear the exposures where there were symbols afterwards. Will use prefix as the prefix for the generated group names.

bool node::explodeGroup ( String  groupName)

Explode a group into its parent group. This function is identical to the "Explode Selected Group" from the Network view.

This function returns true if successful.

node,:the name of the module
String node::flatSrcNode ( String  node,
int  iPort 

If the srcNode is a Group Module, this function returns the path of the module inside the Group Module that is the source. If the source is not inside a group, the flatSrcNode function behaves like the srcNode function.

node,:the path of the module
iPort,:the port number on the destination module whose source module you want to find. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
StringList node::getCameras ( )

Returns a list of all cameras within the scene.

String node::getDefaultCamera ( )

returns the name of the default camera.

bool node::getEnable ( String  node)

returns whether a module is enabled or not.

node,:the name of the module
String node::getGroupInputModule ( String  parentGroup,
String  name,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Return existing or add a group multi port in module.

String node::getGroupOutputModule ( String  parentGroup,
String  name,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Return existing or add a group multi port out module.

bool node::getLocked ( String  node)

returns the lock flag

node,:the name of the module
QObject* node::getMatrix ( String  node,
int  frame 

returns the model matrix of a node.

node,:the name of the module
Frame,:is the int that specifies the frame number
String node::getName ( String  node)

returns the name of a module

node,:the path of the module
QObject* node::getPivot ( String  node,
int  frame 

returns the pivot of the module

node,:the name of the module
frame,:is the int that specified the frame number
3d point
String node::getTextAttr ( String  node,
double  atFrame,
String  attrName 

returns the value(s) of the module's selected attribute(s).

node,:the path of the module
atFrame,:the frame number from which you want to extract the attribute value. If the value is static, you must still pass a value. You can, for example, pass 1 to take the value at the first frame.
attrName,:The attribute whose value you want.

Use the attribute PALETTES.NUMBER to return the number of palettes in the colour override module's palette list. Use the attribute PALETTES.x to return the palette at index x from the colour override module's palette list. x is a number between 0 and the number of palettes in the list, minus one. If x is not given (argument is "PALETTES") or x is not valid (< 0 or out of range) then 0 is assumed.

bool node::getTimelineTag ( String  node)

returns the timeline tag flag

node,:the name of the module
StringList node::getTimelineTagList ( String  node = "Top",
StringList  list = StringList() 
bool node::groupAtNetworkBuilding ( String  node)

returns true if the peg's groupAtNetworkBuilding attribute is true.

node,:the path of the module
virtual int node::height ( String  node)

returns the height of a given node. This width / height parameter is useful for computing the position of nodes in the Network view. It uses the same unit system as the coordX() and coordY() functions.

node,:the path of the module
bool node::isGroup ( String  node)

returns a true or false value indicating if the module is a Group Module.

node,:the path of the module
bool node::isLinked ( String  node,
int  iPort 

returns true or false to indicate if a port is connected to another module.

node,:the path of the module
iPort,:The number of the port whose link status you want to check. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
bool node::link ( String  srcNode,
int  srcPort,
String  dstNode,
int  dstPort 

links a port on a module to a port on another module.

srcNode: The path of the module whose output port you want to link to a destination module.
srcPort,:The port that you want to link to the input port on the destination module. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfOutputPorts function.
dstNode,:The path of the module whose input port you want to link to the source module.
dstPort,:The port on the destination module that you want to link to the output port from the source module. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
bool node::linkAttr ( String  node,
String  attrName,
String  columnName 

links an attribute to a function column in the Xsheet View.

node,:the name of the module
attrName,:The name of the attribute
columnName,:The name of the column that you want to link to the attribute
String node::linkedColumn ( String  node,
String  attrName 

returns the name of the column that an attribute is linked to. If the attribute is not linked to a column, the function returns the null string.

node,:the path of the module
attrName,:The attribute you want to check to see if it is linked to a column
String node::moveToGroup ( String  nodeName,
String  groupName 

moves the specified node within the specified group. Similar to performing a drag and drop of a node to a group from the timeline.

nodeName,:the name of the module
group_path,:The path of the group.
String node::noNode ( )

returns the null string that is returned by other functions when there is an error.

int node::numberOfInputPorts ( String  node)

the number of input ports on the module.

node,:the path of the module
int node::numberOfOutputLinks ( String  node,
int  iPort 

the number of modules actually linked from the output ports.

node,:the path of the module
iPort,:The port number on which you want to locate the module that is connected to it. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
int node::numberOfOutputPorts ( String  node)

the number of output ports on a module.

node,:the path of the module
int node::numberOfSubNodes ( String  parent)

returns an integer that indicates the number of modules contained in a group.

parent,:the path of the parent module
String node::parentNode ( String  node)

returns the path of the parent level of a module contained in a group

node,:the path of the module
bool node::rename ( String  node,
String  newName 

changes the name of a module.

node,:the name of the module
newName,:The new name for the module.
String node::root ( )

returns the name of the Top level in the network, which is "Top".

bool node::setAsDefaultCamera ( String  node)

Setters and getters for the default camera.

sets the default camera in the scene. Returns whether successful or not.

node,:the name of the camera
bool node::setAsGlobalDisplay ( String  node)

This function changes the global display used in the application. The node must be the full path of a display module.

This function returns true if successful. It returns false if the display node was not found or an invalid name was provided.

node,:The full path of a display node
virtual bool node::setCoord ( String  node,
int  x,
int  y 

sets the position of a module in the network.

node,:the path of the module
X,:The X position of the module in the Network View
Y,:The Y position of the module in the Network View
bool node::setEnable ( String  node,
bool  flag 

Setters and getters for the enable/disable property of a node.

sets the enable flag of the node.

node,:the name of the module
flag: true or false
bool node::setGlobalToDisplayAll ( )

This function changes the global display used by the application to "Display All" pseudo-display.

This function returns true if successful.

bool node::setLocked ( String  node,
bool  lock 

Setters and getters for the lock/unlock property of a node.

sets the lock flag

node,:the name of the module
bool node::setTextAttr ( String  node,
String  attrName,
int  atFrame,
String  attrValue 

changes the value of an attribute in a module.

Additions specific to the Colour Override module: Use the attribute PALETTES.CLEAR to clear the palette list in the colour override module. Use the attribute PALETTES.ADD to add a palette to the palette list of the colour override module. Use the attribute PALETTES.REMOVE to remove a palette from the palette list of the colour override module.

node,:the name of the module
attrName,:The name of the attribute whose value you want to change.
atFrame,:the frame number at which you set the value.
attrValue: new value
bool node::setTimelineTag ( String  node,
bool  lock 

sets the timeline tag flag

node,:the name of the module
tag: new tag state of the module.
String node::srcNode ( String  node,
int  iPort 

returns the path for the module that the port is linked to.

node,:the path of the module
iPort,:he port number on the destination module whose source module you want to find. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
String node::subNode ( String  parent,
int  iSubNode 

returns the path of a module in a group. Modules are counted starting with zero

parent,:the path of the parent module
iSubNode,:An integer representing the numerical value of the module. This value must be between 0 and the numberOfSubNodes function for that point.
String node::subNodeByName ( String  parent,
String  name 

This function returns the full path name of a child node belonging to a parent group. This function will validate that the parent group exists and that the child node exists in that parent. This function should be used instead of manually concatenating the full path name of child nodes.

parent,:Fully qualified path of the parent group.
name,:The actual node name suffix. This one is only the short name, not the full path of the node
String node::type ( String  node)

returns the module type. These are all of the built-in module types available from the Stage Module like: READ, COMPOSITE, PEG, QUADMAP, SHADOW, etc

node,:the path of the module
bool node::unlink ( String  dstNode,
int  inPort 

unlinks a port on one module from the port on another module.

dstNode,:The path of the module whose input port you want to unlink from the source module.
inPort,:The input port that you want to unlink. This value is between 0 and the results of the numberOfInputPorts function.
bool node::unlinkAttr ( String  node,
String  attrName 

unlinks an attribute from a function column.

node,:the name of the module
attrName,:The name of the attribute that you want to unlink.
virtual int node::width ( String  node)

returns the width of a given node. This width / height parameter is useful for computing the position of nodes in the Network view. It uses the same unit system as the coordX() and coordY() functions.

node,:the path of the module

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