Harmony/Animate/AnimatePro Script Interface Documentation


The scripting interface uses Qt Script to provide an efficient way to program tools and macros that are not currently present in Harmony/Animate/AnimatePro. Qt Script is based on the ECMAScript 3.0 standard. Note that previous releases of Harmony/Animate/AnimatePro were using QSA script, which was based on a hybrid of the ECMAScript 3.0 and 4.0 standards. While the languages are similar, there are a few differences. See for futher details. We apologize for the inconvenience of changing scripting languages and have made every effort to maintain compatability between the interfaces.

Qt Script can be considered as an extension of java script. A good introductory tutorial for java script can be found at

With the 10.1 release, we have also included the Qt UI scripting interface, allowing the ruction of complex UI objects ( eg, Dialogs with comboboxes, text edits, etc. ) through scripting. The documentation for this interface can be found at

One final difference between the Harmony 10.0 release and 10.1 is that scripts referencing other scripts in different files must now use the java script include directive:

include( "TB_orderNetworkUtils.js" )

Getting Started

Simply open the Script Editor and select the <<Sandbox>> from the Function list. This area is provided as a means to test out scripts without saving them to a permanent location. Type the following:

MessageBox.information("Hello World");

From the menu select Play/Debug and then Run from the dropDown. And that's all there is to it!

Note: See the general help documentation for instructions on how to use the script editor.