User Profile

Each user has a profile in Harmony Cloud. It can be managed through the My Profile tab.

The Settings section allows a user to change their personal settings. The available operations are:

Change Password
Change the local Stage Install location.

The Packages tab is where a user can access their imported and exported packages which are stores on the Harmony Cloud server.

The Uploaded tab, found under the Packages tab, contains all packages that were uploaded for importing at a later time. You can also upload a new package here to be stored on the Cloud server for later.

The Ready to Download tab, found under the Packages tab, contains all packages that were exported throught Cloud with the option to export to My Files.

Harmony Cloud builds session logs as it runs. If ever you experience any issues, these logs can be useful in pinpointing the problem.

Session logs have the naming convention:  HarmonyCloud_<username>_<session id>_<num>.log

In order of preference these logs are located in:

directory specified by TEMP environment variable
directory specified by TMP environment variable
Windows: “C:\temp”
Mac OS X and Linux: “/tmp”

Logs for stdout/stderr are located at:

Windows: C:\Program Data\Toon Boom Animation\Toon Boom Harmony\HarmonyCloud.log
Mac OS X: /Library/Logs/ToonBoomHarmonyCloudServer.log
Linux: /tmp/cloudserver.log