Importing Scripts

To use scripts prepared by other users, you can simply import the *.js from where it is saved on the server.

To import a script:

1. In the Script Editor, click on the Import Scripts Import Script Button button, or from the View menu , select File > Import Script.

A browser window will open and allow you to browse to the location on the server where the *.js files are saved. You can choose either the User, Global, Environment, or Job folder.

Here is an example of where those scripts can be found:

Global: \\(Server_Name)\USA_DB\scripts
Environment: \\(Server_Name)\USA_DB\environments\(user name)
Job: \\(Server_Name)\USA_DB\jobs\(user name)
User: \\(Server_Name)\USA_DB\users\(user name)\stage\1030-scripts
2. Select the *.js file and click on the Open button.

The script is imported and appears in the File list of the Script Editor.

Related Topics 

Harmony Server Network Environment
Using Qt Script to Automate Toon Boom Harmony Functions - server functions
Creating a Qt Script
Linking a Script to a Toolbar Button