Adding Images to a Bitmap Layer

If you want to add more bitmap images to an existing bitmap layer:

1. In the Timeline view, if the bitmap image is contained in a Symbol, double-click on the bitmap symbol cell to edit the symbol. Otherwise, if the bitmap image is on a bitmap layer, leave it as is.

2. If necessary, in the Timeline view, pull on the red bracket to extend the exposure.
3. From the top menu, select File > Import > Images. You can also click on the Import Image button.

The Import Images dialog box opens.

4. Click on the Browse button to find and select one or several images on your computer.
5. In the Layer section, choose Layer > Add to Existing Layer and select the bitmap layer already created in your Toon Boom Animate file from the drop-down menu.
6. Uncheck the Vectorize Imported Items option.

7. Disable the Create Symbol for Imported Items option.
8. Click on the OK button.

Related Topics 

Importing a Bitmap Image without Vectorization
Bitmap Image Quality