User Guide > Import > Importing Bitmap Images > Importing and Vectorizing Images

Importing and Vectorizing Images

You can turn your images into vector drawings, while maintaining the sketchiness of a pencil line or into vector images with a bitmap fill. Both options can add life to an animation, which straight vectorization with smoothing does not usually afford.

To import and vectorize a bitmap image:

1. In the top menu, select File > Import > Images or click the ImportImage button in the File toolbar.

The Import Imagesdialog box opens.


2. Click Browse to locate images.
3. You can create a new layer for your image or add it to an existing layer.
To create a new layer, select
Create Layer(s) > Create Single Layer Named and name your layer accordingly.
To create a new layer using the file name, select
Create Layer(s) > Create Layer(s) Based on Filenames.
To add the image to an existing layer, select Add to Existing Layer and select the layer already created in your Animate Pro scene from the drop-down menu. If only vector layers are available in your scene (and therefore the drop-down menu), you will either have to Vectorize Imported Items, Create Symbols for imported Items or check both options to put your bitmap image on a vector layer.
To mix bitmap images with vector drawings on the same layer, the bitmap image must be encapsulated in a Symbol and vice versa. When you check the option Create Symbol for Imported Items, these Symbols will also automatically be added to your Symbol Library.
4. In the Layer section, select the Vectorize Imported Items option.

5. In the Vectorization section, decide whether you want to import your image in colour, black and white, or grey.
Black and White: Vectorizes drawings as a solid black line; creates a 100% vector-based drawing.
Colour: Vectorizes your image as a colourful bitmap texture within a vector frame.
Grey: Vectorizes your image as a mix of vector contour and greyscale bitmap filling. Lines keep the texture from the scan, and the white of the paper becomes transparent.
New Preset: The New Preset button lets you create custom vectorization parameters via the Vectorization Parameters interface.
Delete Preset: The Delete Preset button lets you delete any preset in the list.

You can double-click on any of the presets at any time to open the Vectorization Parameters dialog box to customize your option.

The vectorized images are painted with the Vectorize Line colour swatch from the colour palette.
6. Click OK.

A Symbol or new layer contains the vector drawing. For images contained in a Symbol, double-click on the image’s first cell in the Timeline view to enter the Symbol so you can edit the image.

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Importing a Bitmap Image without Vectorization